Soils and Cultivations
We farm predominately heavy clay loam soils of the Whitsome association, technically described as having “impeded natural drainage” – that is to say that it does not dry out very fast! Almost all of the Sweethope fields have extensive under-drainage, which requires vital regular maintenance, especially after wet years! If global warming means warmer drier summers, bring it on!!
With the exception of the oilseed rape, all crops are established by a single pass with a deep tined cultivator, followed by our power harrow/drill combination unit. The oilseed rape crop is “subcast” using the same cultivator but set to disturb the surface of the soil much less. Seed is drilled and fertiliser broadcast onto the soil behind each of the 7 legs of the cultivator, and covered over. All crops should be rolled after drilling, but often the weather has other ideas! Slugs would be enemy no.1 every autumn, as they enjoy eating freshly germinating crops in heavy wet conditions.